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Financial Markets with Prices and Tickers

Your Data to Drive Better Financial Decisions

Enable your team to manage uncertainty and make better trading decisions, backed by visibility across your entire enterprise.

Proactive Exception Management

Intelligent notifications flag changes and exceptions in production status, counterparty risk, inventory updates, and shipping ETAs. Better manage expectations with your counterparties throughout the entire trade lifecycle.

Petrichor Shipment Exception Alerts
Petrichor Physical Position Report

Complete Visibility Across Your Positions and P&L

Toggle between your physical positions, inventory, and futures positions without having to navigate across multiple spreadsheets.

Consolidate Counterparty Documentation

Digitally execute and organize all purchase and sales contracts with your trading partners while assessing your market exposure.

Petrichor Counterparty Documents
Petrichor Shipment Trace Visualization

Comprehensive Trade Compliance

Automated compliance and shipment tracing workflows minimize trade risks through customs and when collaborating with counterparties.

Get Started

Connect with one of our supply chain specialists to walk you through Petrichor on a personalized call. Learn how Petrichor can help enhance your raw material origination, logistics, and front-office processes with visibility and automation.
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